VSTa work in progress

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sat Mar 18 1995 - 18:02:30 PST

Hi, all.

I've continued on the performance work Dave did and now have a "fast path"
for system calls with zero, one, two, or three arguments (which is all the
important ones). I'm now moving the source around a bit more to accomodate
the 68030 Amiga port as well as a 68040 multibus port I'm doing. Today I
added the "include" directive to "make" so that I can break Makefiles like
the one for libc into portable and platform-specific parts.

I also put a networked VSTa machine up on the Internet. I should configure
it for FTP, but for now you can at least ping vsta.crystald.com and know
that it's a VSTa machine sending back your ICMP echo.

Welcome to Michael Watkin! Finding projects on VSTa is never much of a
challenge.... If you have access to a network you might consider fixing up
the KA9Q port I did and then adding a /inet filesystem server to it so we
can bring up more networking services. Other activities are porting a
late-model gcc 2.X over, perhaps pitching in on the windowing system MADO,
or porting over some other LAN interface drivers (I did ne2000, but there
are others just as common).

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Sat Mar 18 17:17:25 1995

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