Re: Reading the Console Keyboard

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Mar 06 1995 - 15:22:05 PST

[ (David Koogler) writes:]

>I'm trying to find a way to read the console keyboard directly, without having
>to wait and without having to hit return. It should be simple, but I can not
>find a straight forward example.

Well, if you don't mind building a VSTa request directly...

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/fs.h>

    port_t port;
    struct msg m;
    uchar buf[128];
    int x, y;

     * Open port to console server, screen #0
    port = path_open("tty/cons:0");

     * Or use port attached to standard input
    port = __fd_port(0);

     * Here's your chance to do some typeahead
    printf("Type some stuff\n"); sleep(1);

     * Send read request, "everything you have" (m_arg == 0)
    m.m_op = FS_READ | M_READ;
    m.m_arg = 0;
    m.m_nseg = 1;
    m.m_buf = buf;
    m.m_buflen = sizeof(buf);
    x = msg_send(port, &m);

     * Dump it
    printf("Got back %d\n", x);
    for (y = 0; y < x; ++y) {
        printf(" %02x", buf[y]);
Received on Mon Mar 6 14:42:22 1995

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