Help with Booting

From: Rick Blair <>
Date: Wed Feb 22 1995 - 07:51:55 PST

To All;

I seem to have a small problem with booting Vsta.

system 486Dx2 66 clone
1 IDE hard disk
VGA card and monitor

after typeing go in the boot directory

I get I/O error read wanted 16384 got 8160.

This appears after Init is printed.

Thanks in advance.

Stumped in Seattle


* email: *
* voice: (206)773-8962 *
* usSnail: P.O. Box 3707 M/S 3E-28 *
* Seattle, Wa 98124 *
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* or imaginary of the Boeing Company. *
* All Opinions/rantings are my own and *
* only I am responsible for them. *
Received on Wed Feb 22 07:13:28 1995

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