Re: Cannot login on 1.3.2

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Fri Jan 20 1995 - 05:52:37 PST

[Ng Pheng Siong <> writes:]

>I've just downloaded and installed 1.3.2. Everything seems to start
>up fine until I try to login: just hangs. I have tried sh, testsh,
>and rc. I can ^Z to the debugger and reboot.

There's a bug with the permissions used to protect the namer entry fs/root.
Make sure your account has sys.sys (1.1) access and you'll be able to login.
This hit in 1.3.2 because the shared library loader needs to find the root
filesystem to get the first-level library loader (/vsta/lib/ld.shl).

                                    Sorry for the problems,
Received on Fri Jan 20 05:18:35 1995

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