Kernel performance issues

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Fri Jan 13 1995 - 01:24:58 PST

Hi all,

I've just about completed my first round of performance tweaking on the
kernel, but I have a question and a request.

As a lot of people seem keen to use lcc I'm trying hard to avoid the default
use of inlined functions or assembly code - can anyone tell me if either of
these facilities are likely to be added to lcc in the near future? For
performance, using function implementations for some of the assembly code is
a real loss (about 15% on context switch times on my 486 systems).

Incidently I think I mentioned before that I needed gcc 2.x for these
facilities, but I realised yesterday that the current 1.42 release does
these as well.

Now to my request: I don't have access to a well configured 386 system, and
I'd like to see what performance differences are acheived on a 386 from the
tweaked kernel code. If anyone has a 386 and can spare half an hour to run
some comparison tests I'd be grateful.

Received on Fri Jan 13 00:57:41 1995

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