LCC Compiler

From: David Koogler <>
Date: Thu Jan 12 1995 - 14:34:14 PST

I have seen several messages talking about using the LCC compiler for VSTa. I
have been using the compiler for several months on a Sparc and I really do like
it. There are some interesting little problems, especially with wacky code
that uses lots of convoluted macros, but all in all the compiler is quite

However, the Intel 80x86 backend emits assembler code in Intel format but the
GAS assembler on both Linux and VSTa uses a Motorola format. Has someone
rewritten the backend to emit in Motorola format? Or are you using a
translator step between the compiler and assembler?

Enquiring minds want to know...:-)

David Koogler (
Received on Thu Jan 12 14:02:45 1995

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