vsta user-level semaphores

From: Gary Shea <shea_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue Jan 03 1995 - 12:31:06 PST

I released code for user-level semaphores a month or so ago,
but in the process of actually using it I've found some serious
flaws in design, which are being rectified now (I hope).

The published interface probably won't change much (a semaphore
is a semaphore is as semaphore), but the internals will be
completely different (and, unfortunately, a lot more complicated).

If you try to use what I've already distributed, be warned --
it's not at all safe, especially around malloc.

If anyone _is_ planning/needing to use semaphore stuff, perhaps
you will get in touch with me for alpha testing? Also, if
anyone has components of a thread-safe wrapper library for
libc, I would like to know.



p.s. The system calls supporting semaphores seem to be ok, at
least for now.
Received on Tue Jan 3 11:59:54 1995

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