Re: amiga problems

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Sat Dec 31 1994 - 17:46:59 PST

[ (Timothy Newsham) writes:]

>> Only if you're multiprocessor... the kernel printf is done in a tight loop.
>> More likely it ages something out of the TLB which is hosing you.
>I should point out that I have a bitmap display. Printf calls the
>cons putchar routine. The putchar routine stamps characters onto
>the bitmap, and if scrolling has to be done the whole bitmap gets
>moved up. I put a cli()/sti() around the putch to make sure that
>characters get written out without being disturbed.

Huh? We're talking kernel printf() here, right? How does he call a routine
in a server?

>I based my hat.c on the i386 port. I have the following:
> *pt &= ~PT_PG;
> if (pv->p_vas == curthread->t_proc->p_vas) {
> flush_atc();
> }

No, kern_deletetrans(), in mach/vm.c.

>Is there anything I need to do to map memory into the kernel when
>hat adds a translation? I figured that when the kernel was going
>to add translations it would use kern_addtrans() in vm.c. I noticed
>that the hat code supports the use of PROT_KERN (kernel access only)
>but the mach-independant code never uses it so I havent supported it.

Kernel mappings are handled distinct from user mappings. I'd be curious to
hear about your copyin/copyout implementation.

>I'll try this.
>> Feels like TLB to me (ATC, in Moto-ese, I think).
>fun. (I was hoping you'd say "Oh, its this simple thing over here that
>you overlooked" :)

Oh, it's that simple thing over here called "TLB". :-)

Received on Sat Dec 31 17:16:00 1994

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