Re: lcc 3.1 ported to vsta

From: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <>
Date: Wed Dec 21 1994 - 22:43:42 PST

> The bug here isn't with gcc it's in ld - there's a problem with binaries
> that have text blocks between 1 and 32 bytes larger than a page. Andy and I
> clobbered this a while back so it'll be in 1.3.3

Ah, yes, I remember that. I thought that was fixed pre-1.3.2? Maybe not.
I suppose it was unfair to jab at gcc just because it generated slightly
smaller code to hit the bug :-)

> BTW, as I seem to be a little in the dark about lcc is it just a C compiler
> or will it do C++ as well? Is there an FAQ somewhere around? If we're
> going to adopt it as our main compiler, perhaps now would be a good time to
> look at a newer native port of gcc that can be available as an extra if it's
> wanted :-)

You can look at http://www.cs.Princeton.EDU:80/software/lcc/ or

This is the abstract from the paper talking about it

Lcc is a new retargetable compiler for ANSI C. Versions for the
VAX, Motorola 68020, SPARC, and MIPS are in production use at
Princeton University and at AT&T Bell Laboratories. With a few
exceptions, little about lcc is unusual -- it integrates several
well-engineered, existing techniques -- but it is smaller and faster
than most other C compilers, and it generates code of comparable
quality. Lcc's target-independent front end performs a few simple,
but effective, optimizations that contribute to good code; examples
include simulating register declarations and partitioning switch
statement cases into dense tables. It also implements target-independent
function tracing and expression-level profiling.

Received on Wed Dec 21 22:15:52 1994

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