How to pass a message

From: Joerg Wittenberger <>
Date: Thu Dec 15 1994 - 03:08:44 PST

Hi all,

While writing on a server (which should become a second layer on to of
another filesystem) I really need to pass a message down to this
server below. While everything else works, I'm not able to do this
(while I still belive it shouldn't be too hard).

All I need is a function
passmgs(struct msg* m, void * f)
which takes the message as I got it from the client, passes it down to
the layer below me and -- depending on the result from this layer --
answers either with msg_err and the error I got or msg_reply's with
the answer I got. But I can't say anything about the message, I have
to pass it as it is.

Please could a kind person help me?



Joerg Wittenberger | email:
Rietzstr. 32b |
01139 Dresden |
Germany | PGP: D4 B2 DA AE C3 02 50 9C 45 3E AD 99 C1 1A 8E F8

WWW: <a href=> (click here) </a>
Received on Thu Dec 15 02:54:04 1994

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