Re: a.out formats, exec and amiga.

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Tue Nov 29 1994 - 03:51:29 PST

Hi Tim,
> Basically I have to switch to another file format. I noticed that
> execv() expects a ZMAGIC file. I assume this is what everyone is
> using. When I compiled a file with ZMAGIC format I got the first
> 32 bytes as the a.out header, followed by padding to a page, and
> then text starting at 1024. Is this the format file that is being
> used? If so I suppose I'll be switching over to this format.

We don't really use ZMAGIC - we're actually using QMAGIC, although this may
not be entirely evident from the ld.c sources. I know Andy's done a bit of
additional work on ld.c since I did some patches just before and after the
1.3.2 release so I'll let him comment on those (although I don't think they
affect this case). The standard 1.3.2 version of ld has a bug which didn't
get the QMAGIC text page alignment right if we were within 32 bytes of the
end of a page (the problem with 1.3.2's rs232 server).

Received on Tue Nov 29 03:30:39 1994

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