Re: memory managment in servers?

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Wed Nov 23 1994 - 14:32:20 PST

Hi Andy,

Andrew Valencia wrote:
> [Dave Hudson <> writes:]
> >The message implementation is pretty simple, the biggest problem is how the
> >kernel will decide that any particular process is a server and thus capable
> >of responding to a FS_MEMORY message.
> A bigger potential objection is that the VM page stealing system (when it
> works, admittedly! :->) does this anyway, and doesn't have to add another
> mechanism.

I didn't think we could reclaim memory from any of the boot servers this way
though? At the moment between my dos server seems to be the one server I'd
want to take some memory off when I get low (and conversely the one I'd like
to give more memory to when I'm running with lots of RAM to spare).

I guess this is a whole new can of worms though (fs caching that is :-))

Received on Wed Nov 23 14:12:35 1994

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