Re: virtual flat frame buffer

From: Eddie McCreary <>
Date: Wed Nov 23 1994 - 08:49:47 PST

> Dave and I have been working on bitblt, which provides a device
> independent API to clients that allows drawing, rotating, resising
> etc etc. This server will be what MADO uses to actually hold images
> of windows.

Yep, I've talked briefly to Dave about it. I'm anxious to take a look
at it when it's ready. I should be able to port it for Compaq's QVision
and AVGA cards.

> I should have had this all done weeks ago, but work pressures just
> keep pushing me further behind... and I have been involved in
> making a fundamental change to the WWW as well...

Unfortunately, I know far too well how you feel.


   .__o   Ed McCreary            "The Information Superhighway, sanitized
 _-\ <,-  Compaq Computers        for your protection."
(*)/ (*)
Received on Wed Nov 23 11:45:55 1994

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