Server-based shared libraries

From: Jay Lepreau <>
Date: Mon Nov 07 1994 - 16:49:36 PST

Bryan Ford pointed me to your html-ized mail archives (pretty cool,
and cool stuff you're doing in VSTa). I noticed all the discussion in
August about shared libraries, including references to Spring's
server, and discussion about loss of rebinding flexibility and start
up slowness.

At Utah we also developed a server-based shared library system, based
on our OMOS server (Object/Meta-object Server), which offers
additional flexibility over Sun's. As a matter of fact, it was
presented at the same Usenix conference, Summer '93. The paper is
available by ftp on as papers/ (or in
URL'ese file://

OMOS is currently undergoing a drastic re-write. We plan to have a
snapshot available by the end of the year. It probably won't be
straightforward to make a production shared library system then, but
you might want to consider it in the future.

OMOS is also a crucial component of our Mach-related research project
into flexible and adaptive operating systems. That project's
home page is

(I'm not on the vsta list, nor is Doug Orr (dbo), the author of OMOS,
so reply personally if you have questions or comments.)
Received on Mon Nov 7 16:29:04 1994

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