Re: vesta newcomer... and a few questions

From: Tim Newsham <>
Date: Mon Nov 07 1994 - 12:38:26 PST

> 2) printf and syslog(LOG_INFO, ..) didn't work. I suppose that my cons
> is the first server, and can't printf or syslog since no server can
> recieve it (i guess that both of them send messages to a server,
> probably cons). How can i debug the cons server? How can i display
> IsoLatin1 chars? (ie eacute, etc).

What I did when I was getting my console up was to add another system
call that printed a string on the system console. This allowed me
to print strings before the console was initialized. If you are
debugging past the point where the console is initialized you can
just call the console output string routine.

> 3) How can i use the dbg debugger?

The list of commands available from dbg is found in the file
vsta/os/dbg/dbgmain.c. I added an extra command "?"/"help"
which prints out this list as a quick reference. Its really
meant for debugging the kernel. Using it to debug user-level
processes is possible but you dont want to do this :) All
the mappings are in the kernels space and you have to constantly
translate (and worse if you have it printing kernel symbolic names
which have no meaning to you).

> Basile STARYNKEVITCH ---- Commissariat a l Energie Atomique
> email:; homephone: (33) 1-
Received on Mon Nov 7 12:20:44 1994

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