Re: no sucess on boot

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Nov 01 1994 - 10:59:12 PST

[ (Wittenberger) writes:]

>boot process 10 died [kernel debugger]
>pr gives that 10 is testsh (or even init depends on boot.lst).
>tf calls it a page fault.

What version of OS are you using? What was the program counter?

>Then I get success messages from the wd server wich found the 2 disks.
>(1st linux second dos)
>After that the dos server info's me that the filesystem is established
>(should be on the 1st partition of the second disk wd1_dos0 as I gave
>it in boot.lst).

Sounds like I/O is healthy...

>Now only cons is constantly ONPROC, seems to be in msg_wait.

When you type ^Z, cons runs and drops into the kernel debugger. So he's not
running all the time, but he's running every time you drop to the debugger.

Something pretty fundamental is wrong here. testsh doesn't even require a
filesystem. Put init back in and let me know what the PC is; from that I
can make a guess.

Received on Tue Nov 1 09:39:31 1994

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