Question about swap

From: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <>
Date: Mon Oct 17 1994 - 20:03:36 PDT

After looking at it for a few days, I still have a very simple
sounding question: where does swap go?

After having an OOM lockup while building libc, I decided to look
into the VSTa swapping mechanisms. I looked at the kernel, I looked
at the swap server, I looked at init and boot.lst, but I can't see
where it puts the swapped info. The swapper certainly seems to
have real code in it, so I assume swapping is really implemented.
The point is that I have a linux swap partition on the same machine
which could be shared, but I can't see how its done.

Apologies if this should be obvious,
Received on Mon Oct 17 18:47:20 1994

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