GNU tool ports and release 1.3.2

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Thu Oct 06 1994 - 03:56:17 PDT

Hi All,

Just in case anyone's wondered what's happened to the tool ports I did a
couple of months back (apart from sed and gzip which are in 1.3.2) - they
should be available in release 1.4. There's a lot of library patches that
need to be re-integrated into the 1.3.2 source tree and I concentrated on
getting server enhancements and core tool bug fixes done. I'll see if I can
get ports out against the standard 1.3.2 library (some of the libc patches
are there), but some will definitely need new functions and/or enhancements
to existing functions to get them running.

Until 1.4's released though I have *statically* linked binaries for the
following: tar, make, fileutils, find, flex, bison and yacc. If you need
them, drop me a line.

Received on Thu Oct 6 03:27:58 1994

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