accessing physical memory

From: Edward Mccreary <>
Date: Mon Oct 03 1994 - 07:32:37 PDT

Ok, this is probably a *really* stupid mistake....

I'm trying to do some stuff in graphics mode but can't seem to get access
to the frame buffer. What I'm doing is...

ulong addr;
unsigned char *frame;

 * code to get io perms and set video mode, this works ok
 * also sets banks to first page of video memory

 addr = 0xA0000;
 frame = mmap((void *)addr, 32*1024L, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
    MAP_PHYS, 0, 0L);

mmap is returning a non-NULL pointer but when I do this...

/* fill first line of display to white */
int i;
unsigned char *ptr = frame;

i = 1024;

 *ptr++ = 0xFF;

nothing happens.

Any ideas? I get the feeling it's something obvious I'm just not


Eddie McCreary                             
Graphics Development                    "Do or do not, there is no 'try'."
  In the event of my capture, Compaq will disavow any and all knowledge 
          of my operations.  Of course I don't speak for them.
Received on Mon Oct 3 06:27:36 1994

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