More questions!

From: <>
Date: Thu Sep 29 1994 - 07:58:00 PDT

If you've been seeing virtually identical messages from me, sorry; I mailed it twice yesterday
and they both bounced; once today and it made it. Now the ones I mailed yesterday are
showing up!!! Sigh...

Last night I tried to compile the system and the first gcc from mkall hung the system.
I tried compiling a trivial one-line hello world program and that hung the system. I
don't think it's hanging in the kernel debugger (since I have mono I can't see the kernel
debugger to tell for sure) because reboot didn't work until after I typed ^Z. Right now
reboot is the only kernel debugger command I know :) Any ideas on this one?

Most of the other commands I've tried worked fine. The gcc I'm using is the one that's
in the binary distribution. The one that's in the vsta distribution directory is huge and
I haven't been able to get it to my machine -- I have no modem access and the
backup format appears to be incompatible with Novell DOS 7 backup format (I'm going
to try again today).

Received on Thu Sep 29 06:49:02 1994

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