We have bootage

From: <gary_shea_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Sep 28 1994 - 10:31:00 PDT

Please ignore all the '>' char's... for some reason vsta@cisco.com didn't exist
this morning :)

> I fiddled with the arguments to the wd server and eventually it booted.
> When I fed wd explicit args (gleaned from the cmos) it wouldn't boot,
> although it did report those same args in the first (info) syslog message.
> Likewise with using the "d0:cmos" option. I got the "right" parameters
> from syslog but no boot. When I used the "read from the controller"
> option, the syslog message gave different parameters than
> the cmos showed, but it booted.
> Pretty exciting! Amazing to see a perfectly usable unix-ish system, brought
> over on one diskette (the binaries, anyway!), and running quite quickly in
> 4 Megs. I am running a pre-release of a Unix system that really isn't usable
> with 16Meg... needs 24-32 to get work done.
> Well, now to start hacking :) I think my first changes will be to get mono
> working in the kernel debugger (which I know has already been done).
> Does anyone know if it's possible to auto-sense the type of video card in use?
> Maybe that would be a useful contribution...
> Gary
Received on Thu Sep 29 06:01:19 1994

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