Re: fdisk utility and others

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Sep 26 1994 - 10:22:00 PDT

[ (Kan Yu) writes:]

>1) How can I mount the second partition on the drive? Is "dos" the utility
> to use? What is the command convention?

Well, first you'd best take a look at what partitions the driver found.
Assuming this is an IDE disk, you'd:

vsta$ mount disk/wd /wd
vsta$ ls /wd

and you might get a list including:

wd0 wd0_dos0 wd0_dos1

Then you could unmount /wd from your private namespace:

vsta$ umount /wd

And start up a DOS filesystem server for the second partition (in background):

vsta$ /vsta/boot/dos -p disk/wd:wd0_dos1 fs/dos2 &

Hopefully it won't complain. Then mount the new service in your namespace:

vsta$ mount fs/dos2 /dos
vsta$ ls /dos

and you should see your DOS files on the second partition.

>2) Is there utiltiy that allows you to reboot the system? How'bout shutdown?

Well, ^Z puts you in the kernel debugger, and then "reboot" will do it.

>3) I have changed the login program so that it reads machine name from a
> file under "/vsta/etc/machid" and use it as the login prompt. Would
> this be alright? In the same program, I also skip printing out the
> "Password" prompt if user has no password associated with his/her
> login.

Well, the former is more usually handled with the "banner" file in
/vsta/etc. The latter has already been added to the 1.3.2 source. Host
names are tricky, as we want it to fit with networking, which may have
multiple interfaces with distinct IP addresses for each (and by implication,
distinct hostnames).

>4) Is there vi-clone available? How'bout the windows system? Will the next
> release include these and possibly KAQ9? I plan to run SLIP client on
> my VSTA machine.

SLIP will take more work; ne2000's work pretty well. This will be in 1.3.2.
vi will, too.

>Any suggestion? Thanks for bringing such a wonderful environment to the
>public domain?

Thanks, but it's not public domain. I continue to hold copyright to the
system, and allow (plural) you to use it under Copyleft. See /vsta/license
to see what the terms of the system's use are.

Hopefully this is acceptable to you; it's the same terms as GNU C uses, for

Received on Mon Sep 26 09:10:05 1994

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