Re: Looking for a project

From: Edward Mccreary <>
Date: Fri Sep 23 1994 - 07:31:24 PDT

Hi guys,

I've decide to work on a ext2 filesystem server instead of a BSD one for
a couple of reasons. First, Linux was much easier to install on my
second hard drive than the BSD's. Also, a great deal of the filesystem
code is very nicely isolated in it's own library making it easy to browse.
Finally, there's a Mach server in development which gives me another code
base to browse through to steal^H^H^H^H^H borrow ideas from.

This is beyond anything I've attepmpted before so please excuse any
stupid questions I post over the next few weeks. Then again, if it was
easy it wouldn't be any fun. :)

One thing I was thinking about was the buffer cache. Should this be
written as a seperate server? I was thinking that if it was isolated
from the ext2 code it could be used again to write a BSD FFS or Minix
fs server. I think Dave Hudson mentioned that Mach does something

One other thing. Does the wd server work with a second IDE driver
right now? I could have sworn that I read a comment saying not to
try it but when I went throught the src to vsta last night I couldn't
find it anywhere. It won't be an issue right away, I'm planning on
writing server to work with a file in the same was vstafs and vfs does,
but eventually I'd like to be able to read from my Linux partition.

(btw, I'm posting this to the list instead of replying individually.
I hope y'all don't mind but I'm already behind in my mail. )


Eddie McCreary                             
Graphics Development                    "Do or do not, there is no 'try'."
  In the event of my capture, Compaq will disavow any and all knowledge 
          of my operations.  Of course I don't speak for them.
Received on Fri Sep 23 06:26:37 1994

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