Re: First glances.

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Thu Sep 01 1994 - 07:10:20 PDT

[ (Happy Guy) writes:]

>1) Documentation. Uhm well need I say more? If I knew more about what
>everything was/did I would be willing to donate some time to helping flesh
>this out.

Well, I did some man pages for the messaging engine. I agree that there's
LOTS of room for improvement!

>2) What compiles/doesn't? Is there a list? How hard is it to port a small
>utility? Maybe a small faq on what need to be done could be "whipped" up.

Ports are becoming increasingly easy, as missing pieces are filled in. At
this point I'd say that small utilities come across with no fuss, and things
the size of "vim" come across with a little work. The biggest problem I had
with "vim" (the VI eMulator, BTW) was that they used some memory after they
had free()'ed it.

RCS has been a real headache. They use all sorts of whacky fringe stuff.
Parts work, but each piece of functionality comes only after a fight.

>3) How far off are certain projects? net server? MADO (which I would love to
>hear more about)? Will slip or ppp come with the net server?

I'll leave the MADO status to Gavin and/or Dave.

Networking via LAN is up (he types from VSTa). It looks like the Linux port
of KA9Q I started from doesn't have PPP, but it does have SLIP and I've
already converted the code to full POSIX (<termios.h>). I'm currently
working on a /net/tcp filesystem to offer KA9Q's services to other VSTa
processes. When I have telnet's into VSTa running I'll perhaps bring up
SLIP before doing remote filesystem support. Or would you like to do this

                                                Welcome to VSTa!
Received on Thu Sep 1 06:01:55 1994

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