First glances.

From: Happy Guy <>
Date: Thu Sep 01 1994 - 00:03:40 PDT

Well after much searching I finally decided to put a new OS on my home pc.
After looking at lots of them and asking lots of people I finally (with
help) decided on VSTa. Admittedly I didn't know much about it when I
installed and I don't know a great deal now. It was a breeze to get and
install and after fixing a stupid error on my part (put everything in vista
and not vsta which made for a nice dying boot process) it ran smoothly. A
little exploring here and there and after some more help finally did a make
in libc. I like what I have seen so far just a few points and questions.

1) Documentation. Uhm well need I say more? If I new more about what
everything was/did I would be willing to donate some time to helping flesh
this out.

2) What compiles/doesn't? Is there a list? How hard is it to port a small
utility? Maybe a small faq on what need to be done could be "whipped" up.

3) How far off are certain projects? net server? MADO (which I would love to
hear more about)? Will slip or ppp come with the net server? Am I just being
an impatient little brat?

Regardless, keep up the excellent work.
Received on Thu Sep 1 00:26:46 1994

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