RE: Object interfaces to Vsta

From: Tommy Thorn <>
Date: Wed Aug 17 1994 - 05:29:50 PDT

Jonathon Tidswell writes:
> It depends on which OO language people wish to use.
> I don't accept, a priori, that C++ is the "right" OO language, it
> depends, at least in part, on what you wish to use the OO language for.

I fully agree. One positive aspect of VSTa is that it's not strongly
tied to any language, meaning that it's resonable to interface any
favorite language, one might have. Forcing C++ though, would make that
much harder, if not impossible. C is the smallest common denominator.

> Please don't assume all people "love" objects.

I personally get sick every time I hear the typical arguments for object
oriented programming. There nothing magical about it. What matters are
good concepts and clean interfaces. An operating system shouldn't be
language dependent.

There's nothing to stop anyone from porting g++ and writing servers
in C++, and maybe even make a nice hieracy encapsulating the interface.
I hope one day to write a server in Scheme. It would be a mistake, though,
to force a language bias.

All IMHO of course. As a non-contributer, my view shouldn't count much.

Received on Wed Aug 17 04:24:40 1994

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