RE: Object interfaces to Vsta

From: MS Research Fellow <>
Date: Wed Aug 17 1994 - 02:23:42 PDT

> From: Lars Pensjo <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Object interfaces to Vsta
> Date: Wednesday, 17 August 1994 10:18
> Wouldn't it be a good idea to create an object oriented interface to
> system services, libraries etc ? Now should be the right time to do this,
> before Vsta grows too much.
It depends on which OO language people wish to use.
I don't accept, a priori, that C++ is the "right" OO language, it
depends, at least in
part, on what you wish to use the OO language for.
Do you wish to develop system services in an OO environment or just provide an
OO environment for people to experiment/work in.
[ Note I am (possibly inappropriately) distinguishing system from non-system
services. ]

> What are the possibilities to also port g++ to the Vsta environment ?

> For example, most servers use quite a lot of common code. How about making a
> class for this ?
Please don't assume all people "love" objects.
Also see the long running discussion on g++ vs gcc in the Linux community.
[ Partial summary: Linus used C++ for its better type checking, but the
wanted C because on their poor slow machines g++ compiles took hours or days
not minutes --- g++ was too resource hungry --- it ended up with lots
of #ifdef's. ]

> Define a basic class for client process message management. This class would
> handle the switch-statement, and then call virtual member functions
> depending on the message type.
> It is now quite easy to override the function whose behaviour
> you want to change. This is also a better solution than a C-mechanism
> where you register call-back functions.
My understanding is that virtual class methods are function pointer
struct members.

- JonT

PS I am a postgraduate student on a scholarship not an employee of Microsoft.
Received on Wed Aug 17 02:23:42 1994

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