Re: Thoughts for discussion & info request

From: Gavin Nicol <>
Date: Mon Aug 15 1994 - 21:33:18 PDT

>I strongly agree. The fact is that a historical accident lead to a
>server ruled naming. What is needed is to make the name associated
>with an INSTANCE of anything, not with it CLASS. Moreover, the name
>must depend on the user (client) of the name, not oon the use object.

I agree. Are you planning to do any work on an object system for VSTa?
If so, let's discuss the issues.

>For the last issue: Why can't you have the name of the config file
>given at startup time (on the command line) or mount the name of
>$HOME/.madorc to the file you like.

Because I cannot assume a file exists, or even that a filesystem
exists. Also, this data is user specific (ie. for each user connecting
to the server, I need to access such data). I need to think more about
Received on Tue Aug 16 05:30:52 1994

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