Re: Thoughts for discussion & info request

From: Wittenberger <>
Date: Tue Aug 16 1994 - 05:18:22 PDT

> >> The solution would be, to register both servers under a new, different
> >> name....
> >Well, after I did some work on the serial and ps/2 mouse code a couple of
> >months back I think the server handles both 2 and 3 button mice
> >automatically...
> And this is why I prefer that the server just be named /dev/mouse. Rather
> than have a boundless number of names for the mouse (Logitech/Microsoft/
> Mouse Systems/..., one- two- and three-button, bus and serial, ...) it'd be
> nice if the mouse server just presented a uniform /dev/mouse and then did
> what was necessary to make it fly. For instance, synthesizing a third
> button if it's missing.
> Andy

To stick to the example:

Yes, I agree. From the client view there *must* be one name like
/dev/mouse. A client must never be forced to distinguish between
different mouse's. (If you give it the wrong one it's you fault.)

But from the server view it is very bad to be forced to make an update
all the time anything new is invented. Better new server for the new
feature is written and the old one is replaced. But this works only
for clients of the new thing, the old one *may* break. (Or it is just
hard to keep it working.)

So you better have some aliasing and forwarding done and all is fine.

But for that you need to change the name a very long time after
writing a server.

Received on Tue Aug 16 04:29:35 1994

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