Re: questions about porting and reality (was Re: New port - Berkley yacc)

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Thu Jun 02 1994 - 15:35:55 PDT

> This is great! (non GPL'd is important to a lot of people)

I realised this after a year of Linuxing :-)

> I'm wondering what the general state of porting is. How many people
> are actually using VSTa for production work, as opposed to having fun
> hacking on it?

I think Andy's probably the best one to comment, but I think 5 or 6 people
have some sort of attribution in the current code - I think that there are a
few more who've done stuff recently, but I've not been keeping track (I only
know who I created email aliases for :-))

> I've been swamped, so haven't installed VSTa yet, but I have a laptop
> that is currently running Linux that I am thinking of switching to
> VSTa (it only has 120MB of disk and 4MB of ram, so small is good).
> Here are the tools I use a lot:

[...packages deleted...]

I have a few more to add to the list:

GNU awk, GDB, GCC-2.5.8, diffutils, patch, bash, tcsh, shellutils,
textutils. find (I've nearly got this one done), joe and cpio.

> I'm willing to put time into getting some of this working. I also
> have a NS32532 board (different instruction set, but same byte
> ordering) that I want to be running the same operating system (which
> is why I'm thinking about netbsd). I guess this would be the first
> non Intel architecture - but it's the closest in a lot of ways.

I'd really like to see a non-intel port. I thought I was going to get
chence to do one a couple of months back, but the project fell through.

Received on Thu Jun 2 14:55:30 1994

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