Re: help on wd server

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue May 31 1994 - 09:46:59 PDT

[Masato Kataoka <> writes:]

>VSTa boots now, but keyboard just freezes!
>I think (I hope) this is unrelated to wd-server,

Probably. They're completely distinct processes, using distinct interrupt
vectors and I/O ports.

If you wanted to debug it, you could start the RS-232 server and log in
through that (assuming serial I/O works on your PC...). Then attach the
debugger to the keyboard task and see what it's doing. You'll need a cons2
server a.out with symbols, but you can again log in through the serial port
and make one that way.

Received on Tue May 31 08:55:23 1994

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