newbie question

From: <>
Date: Sat Apr 30 1994 - 11:17:20 PDT

i just got release 1.3.1 up, and i'm trying to create a small
vfs filesystem going.
the way i went about it:
 i used mkfs_vfs to create a file to 'contain' the filesystem.
 i uncommented the fstab entry for vfs (it reads: "fs/vfs /v")
 i changed the inittab entry to "bg:/vsta/boot/vstafs /testfs fs/vfs"
when rebooting, i see syslog messages:
        2000 sectors
        1 free extents 1997 sectors...
and i get a login prompt, but when i try and login,
i get '/vsta/bin/rc invalid' and i'm back with the login prompt.
what (probably obvious) error am i making?
btw: i'd like to be able to mount a filesystem while logged on,
but can find any mount command in /bin. do i need to write a
simple mount() wrapper? i gathered from the mailing list archives
that there used to be one, why was it removed?
also, the file mkfs_vfs created is 1536 bytes long, does it grow
dynamically (i specified 2000 sectors)?
disclaimer: i am very new to vsta, and in fact have no experience with
OS's at this low level...
Received on Sat Apr 30 11:48:32 1994

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