problem with ftp of 1.3

From: <>
Date: Mon Apr 18 1994 - 13:48:32 PDT

I ftp'd all of the 1.3 files from and took them home.
I could only decompress a few of the archives. The rest were
corrupted. I copied them over more than once and they compared
so it wasn't a problem with the ftp. I can decompress
under DOS, and several others. But I can't decompress several
on either DOS or UNIX: ash, bin86, emacs, gas, gcc, less, make,
rc, vsta, and vsta_bin.

I can also decompress binutl under UNIX.

I know other folks have had success getting these archives onto
their PCs. But perhaps someone could give a clue regarding my
difficulties. Has anyone put VSTa out onto a BBS anywhere? I
could download it then directly to my PC, even if it were long
Received on Mon Apr 18 14:05:42 1994

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