Re: Opinions on filesystem mount

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Apr 05 1994 - 08:42:50 PDT

[ (Mike A Larson) writes:]

>>Can you tell me in what way it makes writing makefiles easier?
>The absolute path names are the same so for both DOS and VSTa. Thus:
> LDFLAGS = -L/libc -L/lib
>Works for both DOS and VSTa.

Couple issues mixed in here. When building from a source tree, you almost
always want the source tree to use relative paths, so you can have multiple
source trees, or do something weird in a source tree without impacting the
"regular" tools. Thus, within the VSTa source I hope always to have things
like -L../../libc and never an absolute path.

This leaves the question of where to place the "installed" binaries. Using
the /lib and /bin paths can easily clash with other DOS C compiler
environments. What if I added "make install" targets to the makefiles and
placed the results in /vsta/lib and /vsta/bin (and /vsta/etc)? This would
keep all the VSTa files (source, binary, and random support text files like
the password file) within the single DOS directory /vsta, which seems tidier
and less likely to clash with other DOS programs.

Received on Tue Apr 5 09:02:13 1994

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