Re: A filesystem philosophy question

From: Mike A Larson <>
Date: Thu Mar 10 1994 - 09:04:34 PST

[Andrew Valencia <> writes]
> In porting ar(1), I ran into quite a neat little problem. ar(1) uses
> rename(2) to change the name of a file. How do you do that in VSTa?
> Recall that there is no global namespace. So simply telling "the"
> filesystem about the two paths is nowhere near good enough. If, in fact,
> both files are in the same filesystem, I guess you could trim off everything
> except the filesystem-relative part and pass that. But this doesn't seem
> like a very good solution. ...

Why isn't this a very good solution for intra-filesystem renames (ie,
renames within the same filesystem partition or name space)? As a matter
of fact, why isn't this the best solution for the case where both
the source and destination files reside in the same directory (eg,
mv foo bar) and the rename consists of simply changing the file's
directory name entry(s)?

                                        Mike Larson
Received on Thu Mar 10 09:29:03 1994

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