Re: DJGPP and VSTa

From: Tommy Thorn <>
Date: Sun Dec 19 1993 - 13:10:56 PST

I wrote:

> Anyway we're trying to build VSTa under Linux right now and it runs
> fairly smooth, except for linking. Has anyone had any success?

Dave Hudson writes:
> Aha, I've had a similar problem. The problem seems to be the way that the
> GNU binutils have been created for Linux. There was a package announced on
> the 30th November 1993 to allow binaries to be built for DJGPP. You'll find
> it on "" in "/pub/Linux/devel/msdos/go32crs.tgz". The only
> important bits really are the the "go32-ld" and "go32-ar" binaries. There
> are also instructions on how to build the binutils this way. Using these
> and a Linux version of GCC 2.5.7, I've just built and tested the VSTA
> kernel, and I didn't need the extra command line parameters.
> So far it would seem that all that needs to be done is to modify the
> makefiles.

Yes, I found out I could just './configure --target=i386-go32 --host..'
for binutils a every thing was fine. Now my binaries works. There's
just a couple of places where cpp is used to generate assembler files,
using macros like this:

#define foo(a,b) a##b:

Unfortunatly, with the newer cpp foo(alpha,bravo) results in:

alphabravo :
          ^ Notice the space

which never gas don't like. The easy fix:

cpp .. blabla.S | sed -e 's/ :/:/' > blabla.s

works fine.

Received on Sun Dec 19 19:50:36 1993

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