Re: Servers vs. Libs

From: Major Trips <>
Date: Mon Feb 19 2001 - 11:35:08 PST

I for one would find it interesting to support the linux FB interface and
possible port over the libfbx that the U4X developers have been creating. I
have been talking with Paul Mundt, one of the u5x developers on the subject,
and I believe he is growing more interested in getting libfbx onto VSTa.

The libfbx is more a hacked up collection of acceleration routines for various
graphics adapters (MGA, 3DFX, ect..), and is designed to work with the FB
interface. At the moment I believe Stampede Linux and the linux arm project
are using the libfbx, and word has it that some developers of debian are
looking at adopting it.

Both GGI and FB would be nice though, as it should be fairly easy to port over
the SDL after that point and a good deal of applications are already designed
to work with the SDL.

Also, the linux FB layer seems to be heading for a very big rewrite for linux
2.5 in regards to capabilities. Though I am not really clear on everything it
is supposed to do. Paul or someone else working with it could give better
input on that.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 12:55:42AM -0800, David Jeske wrote:
> Regarding this graphics 'servers vs. libs' discussion. I recommend
> taking a look at what the linux libGGI did with a creative library
> stuff. It certainly had a server component (in the form of X, or a
> kernel driver), however, they did some neat stuff by making the libggi
> library the focus of the user-level programs. They could easily be
> retargeted to different displays by GGI changing the way the library
> was bound.
> ..back to lurking.
> --
> David Jeske (N9LCA) + +

        "That is precisely what common sense is for, to be jarred into
         uncommon sense."
	     ++ Eric Temple Bell, Mathmatics: Queen of the Sciences
   Mark Ferrell    :   Major'Trips'
   Programmer      :   Chaotic Dreams Development Team
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Received on Mon Feb 19 11:17:55 2001

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