RE: Web Site

From: <>
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 23:19:47 PDT

>> Did you work with such systems?
>I design and build them...


>I also like them because templating saves a lot of
>time and effort, and because you can reuse the information
>in different contexts.

Yes, I know... I once wrote a website about concertina playing !!!OFFTOPIC!!!

and I know, what you mean. On the other side I never had access to the
webserver itself - so I just could do all these things offline. I also
never used something like style sheets or templates, just some kind of
"template webpage". I just concentrated on the content.

The main thing, why I asked for to help was, that I thought we could make
vsta much more popular, if we could make it easier for people to have a
try. For example: The V2 OS developers created a bootloader for their OS,
where you just start a single executable under DOS. This has the whole OS
in it - that's quite easy!

Possibly you should do more on the sites design - I could concentrate more
on writing some howtos etc. Btw, do you have some tips (or tools) how to
make this easier? I once tried out the docbook stuff and sgml tools, but
found them too hard for the beginner and ery concentrated on the content -
not on the design. Pages you get from it always look the same -

I would prefer some linux tools, even I ever worked (and want to) with
wysiwyg editors, like netscape etc.

Martin Döring, Systemtechnik (IDT)
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Dachauerstraße 667
D-80995 München

Tel.: +49(0)89 / 1580 - 1199
Fax: +49(0)89 / 1580 - 91-1199
Received on Wed Sep 27 21:55:46 2000

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