Re: please help: booting vasta fails with "boot process x dies"

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Sat May 02 1998 - 06:40:25 PDT

["roman puls" <> writes:]

>Actually found vsta on the web and and think it is a good thing. But I still
>have a big problem:
>I tried to install vsta version 161 on my machine. After unpacking the files
>to the according paths I tried to boot from a bootdisk with grub. Parameters
>in grub:
>root= (hd0,0)
>kernel= /vsta/boot/vsta
>module= /vsta/boot/cons
>module= /vsta/boot/namer
>module= /vsta/boot/wd d0:readp
>module= /vsta/boot/dos -p disk/wd:wd0_dos0 fs/root

Change this to "-d //disk/wd:wd0_dos0 -n fs/root".

>after looking into the sources, I assume that the WD driver is having
>problems with my harddisk. But I have no Idea why the boot processes die.

The usage complaint message gets hidden behind the drop into the kernel
debugger. Try with the new arguments and see if it fixes things.

Received on Sat May 2 03:08:50 1998

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