Re: can't kill fd server

From: David Jeske <>
Date: Fri Feb 27 1998 - 11:33:29 PST

I've seen this problem in the past with "unkillable servers" I'm not sure
if it was fd or not. However, I just recently noticed the same thing once
with fd. Not only can you not kill fd, but you can quickly create a "chain
of no-death" as trying to kill the "kill fd" process will also hang.

On Fri, Feb 27, 1998 at 12:59:09PM -0500, Marcel Jackowski wrote:
> Hi all,
> It seems like that the fd server once is running cannot be killed.
> It looks the problem is related somehow to this second thread which
> sends timer messages to the server, but I am still unable to nail it down.
> I have written a device server for an old Mitsumi 1x CDROM, which mimics
> most of the functionality of our fd server. As a result, it suffers from
> the same problem - the server works perfectly, but if I say "kill server-pid"
> from the prompt, it just hangs. Note that, a 'ps' will list 2 threads for
> the server. The first gets killed but never the last one.
> Any suggestions ?
> Marcel.

David Jeske (N9LCA) + +
Received on Fri Feb 27 09:03:58 1998

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