can't kill fd server

From: Marcel Jackowski <>
Date: Fri Feb 27 1998 - 09:59:09 PST

Hi all,

It seems like that the fd server once is running cannot be killed.
It looks the problem is related somehow to this second thread which
sends timer messages to the server, but I am still unable to nail it down.
I have written a device server for an old Mitsumi 1x CDROM, which mimics
most of the functionality of our fd server. As a result, it suffers from
the same problem - the server works perfectly, but if I say "kill server-pid"
from the prompt, it just hangs. Note that, a 'ps' will list 2 threads for
the server. The first gets killed but never the last one.

Any suggestions ?

Received on Fri Feb 27 07:32:02 1998

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