(no subject)

From: Binh Thai <s2156593_at_nospam.org>
Date: Mon Dec 29 1997 - 04:46:03 PST

To: vsta@zendo.com
Subject: Found the real problem

Hi everyone,
        I have finally worked out where are problem is regarding to the mouse
driver :-)
        The mouse driver itself is fine. However, the problem occurs at the
rs232 server. The problem I described in my previous posting was due to the
fact that the rs232 was reading garbage values, such as a long sequence of
hex 0 and hex 10, even when the mouse is not moving! this is why the cursor
is not moving consistantly in MGR.
        My question is now this... Does anyone know why the rs232 server is not
reading the mouse data correctly? Is there anyway to fix it?
        Thank you so much

        Binh Thai
Received on Mon Dec 29 14:17:46 1997

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