Re: Building v1.6

From: Pat Villani <>
Date: Mon Oct 20 1997 - 10:56:03 PDT

> Hmmm... could you "stat /vsta/src/lib" and see what it says?

Logged in as root:

vsta$ stat /vsta/src/lib

> Can you use "gcc -v" and see more about exactly where it's dying?

It dies in cc1.

> For now you might cd to /vsta and do a "rh -e '((mode & IFMT) == IFDIR) &&
> !(mode & 0222)' to see what directories have no write access, then do
> a chmod 777 <list> to make them writable.

The list comes back empty. What does rh do? I've never encountered it on
any unix system that I've worked with. I only seem to have /vsta/bin/rh and
no man pages or source.


| Pat Villani | Email: |
| UBPG/UESG | unxa::villani |
| Digital Equipment Corporation | |
| Manalapan, NJ | Amateur call: WB2GBF |
| Disclaimer: |
| All opinions, ideas and comments expressed are strictly mine and do |
| not reflect on my employer. |
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| I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to |
| state I finally won out over it. -- Elwood P. Dowd |
Received on Mon Oct 20 08:37:13 1997

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