Re: The Next Step in Mgr

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Aug 11 1997 - 07:42:47 PDT

[ (Binh Thai) writes:]

> I now have managed to get past the opening screen and into a screen wi
>th b&w
>pattern background (i suspect that is the worksapce). Here's where my next pro
>blem starts:
>my mouse is not responding the way it should. The cursor is going all over pla
>ce, and Mgr
>eventaully locks up (I suspect it's waiting for some mouse response).

Is it a serial mouse? You have to make sure the mouse driver is not
compiled with KDB, otherwise the first ^Z it sees will drop you into the
kernel debugger. Of course, you're in graphics mode, so you can't see the
text screen debugger.... Try typing "reb" a couple times; if your machine
restarts that's what happened.

> I have read on the mailing list that there are some errors in the mouse
> driver,
>and the variable "y_off" needs an - sign. If that is cause of the problem, can
> anyone
>tell me which file that variable resides?

I think all such things are fixed in current code.

You should run the test program in src/srv/mach/mouse, and see if it shows X
and Y values and buttons being tracked correctly. I've seen one mouse where
it was basically a ps2aux model, but with the bits all hashed around.
Mostly, the mouse models provided by Dave Hudson all those years ago have
worked fine. Especially on the serial mouse models.

Received on Mon Aug 11 05:24:19 1997

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