Re: Swap space going under 1.5.2 ..

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Sun Jun 29 1997 - 09:07:06 PDT

[Adrian Chadd <> writes:]

>I have VSTa 1.5.2 going on my 386sx25 w/ 2mb RAM however I'd like to get
>the swapping going. I have created a second partition on the HDD, what
>else do I need to do to get it enabled?

A couple problems to be aware of... first, rebuilding the C library requires
an FPU. VSTa never implemented FPU emulation, and given the direction of
the CPU industry, I doubt there will ever be sufficient demand to warrant
implementing it.

2MB is very, very thin, if you intend to do much compilation on your system.
If you're interested in finding and fixing swap bugs (both plain old
crashes, as well as deadlocks), then you've find an ideal starting point!

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Sun Jun 29 06:44:28 1997

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