Re: compiling MGR

From: Bjorn Helgaas <>
Date: Wed Jan 17 1996 - 09:12:43 PST

I'm having similar MGR problems, so maybe we're both stupid ;-)

I was able to compile MGR without changing anything as soon as I unpacked the
tar file in /vandys, which is where the -I paths assume the source is. You've
already got this to work, but maybe it will help the next person.

I also get the startup screen but usually nothing else. Sometimes I get past
the startup screen to the root screen, where mouse movements cause the pointer
to drift up to the top left corner (can't seem to move to the right or down),
then things hang. I think my problem is related to the mouse (I'm using a
serial mouse on com1). Here's a script I've been playing with to try to
figure it out:


    /vsta/boot/rs232 com1 tty/tty01 &
    sleep 1
    /vsta/boot/mouse -type serial -p tty/tty01 -mm &
    sleep 1
    mount srv/mouse /dev/mouse
    while true; do
        stat /dev/mouse
        sleep 2

The stat output says the middle button is always pressed (actual mouse buttons
have no effect) and dx & dy are always 0 (moving the mouse has no effect).
Moving the mouse *does* frequently have the effect of causing the rs232 server
to drop into the kernel debugger (at least, "pr" always says rs232 is ONPROC).
I don't have the backtrace handy, but if I remember correctly, the last
non-debugger pc is about syscall+75.

I use the MouseMan protocol under Linux, so I assumed "-mm" was the right
thing. I've tried the others as well with no better results.
Received on Wed Jan 17 09:11:15 1996

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