Re: RPCs

From: Gavin Nicol <>
Date: Tue Dec 05 1995 - 08:55:36 PST

>I am a PhD student trying to see if VSTa can be used to write servers to
>implement active and shared C++ objects.
It can. I would move away from strictly C++ though, and think about
something like CORBA IDL. The Fresco distribution, and the ILU
distribution contain stubbers for C++ that compile IDL->C++. I have
been toying around with a C version that generates VSTa servers.
>I would like to implement RPCs with 'in' and 'out' params coded in the
>messages, as does the MIG (Mach Interface Generator) for the Mach

Have a look at CORBA IDL. You would do the VSTa community a great
service if you could create an IDL->C/C++ compiler that used VSTa's
native functionality (namer, messaging etc.)
Received on Tue Dec 5 08:58:14 1995

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