Re: Installing VSTa without installing DOS first.. Possible?

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Mon Dec 04 1995 - 10:28:53 PST

[Chris Patti <> writes:]

>So I'm been aspousing the greatness of VSTa to my roommate for
>awhile now and finally the other day he said "OK, How do I install it? I
>don't want to have DOS on this machine.. Does it have a boot/root setup
>similar to Linux?

Nope. I'm following the Multiboot standard, and have looked over the first
implentation of this standard, the "Grub" loader. It doesn't look like it
does FAT boots yet, so I'm in wait and see mode.

Dave Hudson also got native booting from floppy running, but I hear it's
rather slow.

Received on Mon Dec 4 10:28:55 1995

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