Re: Installing VSTa without installing DOS first.. Possible?

From: David Jeske <>
Date: Mon Dec 04 1995 - 09:54:41 PST

> So I'm been aspousing the greatness of VSTa to my roommate for
> awhile now and finally the other day he said "OK, How do I install it? I
> don't want to have DOS on this machine.. Does it have a boot/root setup
> similar to Linux?

No. You just format the partition MSDOS, put the tar file on it, and
untar. Then boot vsta from MSDOS>

> I didn't know the ansswer :)
> I know that for awhile David Jeske was working on one, did that ever get
> finished?

Yes, I was working on this. However, school and major life crisis have
been taking up all of my time, so I'll be a while before I get back to it.

--   + David Jeske(N9LCA)<A HREF="">
NeXTMail accepted + CompEng Student/OS,uP design/Call Gtalk at (708)998-0008
 User/Dev for Linux/NeXT/DOS/WIN/OS.2/VSTa (all coexisting on one system) </A>
Received on Mon Dec 4 09:53:11 1995

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