Font naming conventions

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <>
Date: Tue Oct 26 1993 - 16:26:19 PDT

>I don't know enough of MADO. Is there a README about it? I only
Not yet. I'll have to document it all one day....

>Does it have scalable fonts or only fixed height fonts?
Currently I'm using a font format similar to X11 BDF/PCF files. The
hooks are there for scalable fonts, and eventually, I'd like to add
something like TrueType, or Type1 support. That is low on my priority
list at the moment though.

>I also think that dynamically adding font aliases is an important
This would be easy to add later too.

What I was hoping for was input of the typograhically corrent way to
name fonts. I've had input from various people before, and they all
said different things. Perhaps there is no "right" way...

Does anyone know the naming scheme used by Windows/OS/2?
Received on Tue Oct 26 16:41:01 1993

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